Rethinking the ROI of your launch part III: Get data you can actually do something with
Before diving in, we recommend you check out part I and part II of this series on how to maximize your launch ROI.
EQL delivers data that actually helps you make real, revenue-impacting decisions. Here’s how some of our current partners are putting it to use.
Every brand needs data — that’s not a controversial statement.
But without an actionable strategy, what even is data beyond a bunch of numbers?
The data EQL provides to our partners is not just impressive in its quantity, but in quality, too. Using the insights we deliver, we’ve seen brands really do things. Impressive things. Like slash inefficiencies, reimagine marketing strategies, increase customer value, and engage with entirely new audiences — essentially, increasing the ROI of every launch.
How does it work?
Get a full, clean view of your demand
Seeing who bought your product is useful information, but it leaves out a big part of the story. In some cases, only a fraction of interested fans are successful in buying a product, and the brand learns nothing about the others. Not great.
Because EQL collects and verifies all entries in a launch, we can tell you not only who purchased, but everyone who wanted to, so you can populate your CRM with actual, real fans. And forget bots buying up all your products. We see around ~30% of all entries on EQL from bots and filter them out so you don’t have messy data.

Get a sneak peek at the type of data EQL offers our brands and partners in-platform here.
The Ol' land and expand
There are a few interesting ways we see brands leverage existing customer data to capture attention from new groups.
But possibly the coolest application of EQL data, if you ask us, is looking at what else your fans like, then planning for future collabs. For example, if 30% of the followers who enter your launches also enter launches from Funko, for example, it’s probably time for a conversation with Funko about how to combine passions from both of your fanbases.
This type of data can also inform your licensing or product strategy. Who doesn’t want to know what else their fans are into?
Measure ROI the most accuracy
Existing data may help you trust you’re on the right track, but every campaign comes down to a hypothesis — a hope that this is the right message, at the right time, in the right channel to influence your audience’s purchasing behavior.
EQL’s data closes the loop on marketing ROI. Get down-to-the-minute breakdowns of when fans are entering your launches and where they’re coming from. Then, match that up against the timing of your marketing campaigns, and you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly which efforts moved the needle (and when, and on what channel).
Knowing exactly which promotions are driving sales and impacting consumer behavior gives you a clear, concrete way forward.
Learn more about how EQL launches can help you level up ROI in part I and II of this series.
Sell more stuff
We’ve talked a lot about using data to drive strategies around who to sell to and how to connect with them. But let’s back it up a little and see what it looks like to use EQL data to determine what to sell (and what to produce in the first place).
You can use previous launch data to project future demand, even on sizing or variant level, or you can find out exactly how a specific launch will perform before it starts by turning on Launch Reminders. With this feature, fans register their interest in advance for a product (specifying all of their preferences) in order to be notified as soon as the launch opens. All the while, you’re watching that interest pour in in real-time — and thoughtfully, strategically allocating inventory based on that information.
Unlock a world of data you can act on
Tired of data collection feeling like a useless exercise? Sick of the endless report generation that doesn’t seem to benefit anyone? We are too! That’s why we love being able to provide data that brands can actually understand — and more importantly, translate into actionable strategy.
And the best part is that the ideas in this article are just a start. Our data is as powerful as the creative ideas our brands and retailers apply to it. If you’re ready for a taste, get in touch with us to learn more. We can’t wait to see what you’ll do with it.